"Nem egy filmfesztivál melegeknek, hanem egy meleg filmfesztivál mindenkinek!" Szeptember 14–17. között újra Humen Film Festival a Művész moziban. Idén is olyan LMBTQ témájú filmek kerülnek vetítésre, amelyeket a hazai nagyközönség még nem láthatott a mozivásznon. Not a film festival for gays, but a gay film festival for everyone! |
Az alkotásokat eredeti nyelven, magyar felirattal vetítjük.
2017.09.14. 20:00 Vörös ördög (Handsome Devil)
2017.09.15. 18:45 Ártér (Esteros)
2017.09.15. 20:30 Théo és Hugo (Théo et Hugo dans le même bateau)
2017.09.16. 18:15 A világ közepe (Die Mitte der Welt)
2017.09.16. 20:30 Egy fagyott virág (Ssanghwajeom)
2017.09.17. 20:00 Tom of Finland (Tom of Finland)
Részletes információk:
Not a film festival for gays, but a gay film festival for everyone!
The Művész cinema will be the home of the 2nd Humen Film Festival between 14 and 17 September, 2017. The program is once again compiled of movies that haven't been screened in Hungary before. The 2017 edition of the festival is centered around popular blockbusters that were both admired by the critics and the audiences, including a German and an Irish youth film, a South Korean historical drama and a Swedish biopic, while the indie scene is represented by a French and an Argentinian romance. Our goal is the same as last year: to encourage diversity, optimism and a hopeful spirit with the help of films from every corner of the world.
The films will be screened in their original language with Hungarian subtitles.
14 September 20:00 Handsome Devil (English with HU subtitles)
15 September 18:45 Esteros (Spanish with HU subtitles)
15 September 20:30 Théo & Hugo (French with ENG & HU subtitles)
16 September 18:45 Center of My World (German with HU subtitles)
16 September 20:30 A Frozen Flower (Korean with HU subtitles)
17 September 20:00 Tom of Finland (Finnish with HU subtitles)
More informations: